Saturday, March 28, 2009


So Keytin is getting more and more stubborn every day. Well I was reading a friends blog and she talked about feeding her little girl infant food for the first time and how funny it was. Well a different friend of mine gave me a lot of baby food that her son didn't eat so I have quite a bit so I decided to try it and see what happens. Well the first real food was green beans and Keytin didn't mind it at all. Actually he quite enjoyed it. He was smiling and just kinda going with the flow. Now I know he is only three months old but to me he seems a lot older more mature in a way. Ya I was a little nervous to see if his stomach could handle it and make sure he didn't get constipated. So a day after the food he hadn't gone the bath room and I figured we were going to have to wait a little bit longer on the food. Well about ten minutes after that he filled his diaper twice and that was my go a head so now not only does Keytin get milk but he eats baby food twice a day. It is so weired though cause he seems a lot happier and just more layed back. Before when he was only getting milk it always seemed like he was starving and I hated that. So now it is all good.

So after the first time I feed him food he was so happy playing with his taggy and chewing it to death then five minutes of that he was exhausted. You know how after you have a full stomach you just get so tired. Well that defiantly happened to Keytin. It was so funny cause he was just to tired to remove his taggy from covering his face. So that is how he fell asleep. I should have got a picture of it when he was asleep but with those big brown eyes I couldn't resist taking one with them.

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