Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sawyer's First

So the first two pictures some how got out of order but here are some of Sawyer's first.
Jackie came up with the game of having our gun on the ground and when the thrower yelled pull we grab our gun and who ever shoots it first wins.

all of us waiting for the word. So I had to get at least one walk in with Sawyer before winter comes.

I had the urge last weekend to put up our tree and Keytin just had to help and this is what I found every snow man I gave him on the bottom.

We went and eat Chinese in Gunnison with my mom and dad and of coarse I had to get a picture of Sawyer's first time eating out. To bad my mom didn't tell me you couldn't see Sawyer.

Sawyer's first Thanksgiving was pretty eventful. We went with Russell's family. The food was amazing and we have a fun tradition. We go out clay pigeon shooting with everyone.

The kids found a way to entertain them selfs while the adults shot.

After shooting so long Jackie decided to make up games for us. This was the one she played with Russell. You have to sit on your butt and play annie oklie.

In between the shooting Keytin had to pee and of coarse we had to get a picture of it!

After all the food, shooting, and pie we even popped out the chocolate machine and fruit. You can say it was a good day.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Getting to know Sawyer!

I told myself I was going to blog every week which is a good thing cause I like to post pictures so it reminds me to take pictures of things that I thing people would like to see. So here is what I have for you this week.
I never blogged about Sawyers room. So let me just tell you how much I love it and how it only took me one week from finding out she was a girl to get her bedding and paint it. The frames on the wall is left over trim we didn't use down stairs so I just painted and made Russell make them into frames.

So the first two nights of Sawyer being home I spent in that chair determined not to let her sleep with me in bed. Ya it lasted two days and then my back hurt so bad I couldn't stand it.

I love looking at all of Sawyer's flowers and bows and thinking of all the different options I have. Plus I am a little proud of thinking about half of them I made myself.

These are wings in her room that represent the wings and halo she gave up to come to earth and be a part of my family. I am so grateful she made that choose and choose us!

So I have to show you her closet to help you see how truly spoiled this girl is. Between Russell, Keytin, and I she still has more cloths. No worries though they are other peoples who are lending them to me. I truly have only probably bought maybe 15 things for her!!

Just some random pictures.

We were at Nana Hatch's and I put Sawyer in the bassinet for the first time and Keytin had to show me the bears and yes he is only in his underwear. If you came by any day of the week to our house this is how he would be then. When he goes potty he has to get completely naked and I just don't have the energy to find his cloths and chase him around to get them back on. So yes my son only wears underwear unless we are leaving the house.

I had to get a close up of Keytin's new cheese face. Most of the time one of his eyes is closed. It is funny cause I don't know any almost 3 yr old who can wink with both eyes but Keytin can. He just doesn't know he is doing it!

I love taking pictures of Sawyer when she is awake because her eyes already amaze me and how big and beautiful they are!! Plus they get even bigger when she is taking a bath.

It's funny how the first bath they scream and scream this is now around her 30th bath and now she just hangs out and enjoys the water!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Addition!

So I am retarded and don't know how to make my pictures go in order but I figure your just happy to see the pictures at all. So here we go.
Right when we got home I had to take a picture to have on record how small Sawyer looks in her car seat!

Keytin thought it was so funny to make mom cover him so he didn't have to get his picture taken.

Sawyer was so tired she didn't mind being naked. She already loves being sprawled out.

We are trying to keep Keytin busy and Russell always comes up with the greatest things. He thought it was so great to even grade the cheese.

So this was the first time Sawyer ever nursed. If you can't tell I was super excited I still can't belive how much easier this pregnancy was.

They had just weight her and I was just getting her back. Sawyer arrived at 3:26 am after pushing 4 times because she only weight 6.9 compaired to Keytin's 8.1. She was 19.5 inch. long.

Our first family picture with the new arrival! My mom and dad watched Keytin for us and of coarse at 7:30 am my mom and Kenzie were at the hospital with Keytin. I am so grateful for my family and how supportive they are.

So I have seen this being done where you take a stuffed animal and every month take another picture just so you can see how much they have grown. So her is Sawyer with her Bear that goes with her room.

Keytin loves his niece and nephew so much. He could have cared less about his new sister and long as he could play with his best friends.